Nigel Edwards

Nigel Edwards


Nigel Edwards is the Executive Director of the Trinidad and Tobago Unit Trust Corporation. Prior to this, he served as Chief Executive Officer of Tatil Life Assurance Limited, having spent 16 years in various leadership positions. Throughout his career, he has guided multiple complex mergers and acquisitions, and corporate reorganisations and restructuring efforts.

Mr. Edwards has served as a non-executive Director on several listed companies on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange as well as on several public interest company Boards. He is active in several community organisations across Trinidad and Tobago.


A national scholarship winner from St. Augustine Senior Comprehensive School, he is the holder of a MSc. Finance from the London Business School and a BSc. Management Studies from the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. 

Mr. Edwards is also a member of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (ACCA).

Mr. Edwards was appointed Chairman of the Board of Management of the TTRA for a term of five years.