Kyle Rudden
Kyle Rudden is the Managing Director of KR Services Limited, a firm of consulting actuaries with clients throughout the Caribbean, mostly in the financial services sector. Prior to entering the actuarial field in 1990, he worked for six years as an auditor with Price Waterhouse.
Mr. Rudden is a former President’s Gold Medal winner and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Trinidad & Tobago, the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, the UK Chartered Institute of Bankers, the UK Institute & Faculty of Actuaries, the US Society of Actuaries, the Caribbean Actuarial Association, and the Actuarial Society of Kenya.
Mr. Rudden was previously President of the Salaries Review Board, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean Actuarial Association. His former Board positions include the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago, the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange, the International Association, of Consulting Actuaries and the Trinidad & Tobago Triathlon Federation.
Mr. Rudden is currently Vice-President of the Mayaro Initiative for Private Enterprise Development, a successful NGO providing loans to small businesses in the Mayaro area. He also sits on several committees of international professional bodies.
Mr. Rudden was appointed Vice-Chairman of the Board of Management of the TTRA for a term of five years